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Peaceful Moments

By Marie Williams



Ephesians 2: 13,14, 15.  But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off, are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace. KJV



It is now 5:00 A. M.  My sleepy community is slowly awakening. Stepping in to my home office, the moon is at its peak of beauty. Brilliant and luminous, it casts light on the glistening grass still moist from the early morning dew.

I stand silently at my window, in awe of the magnificence of this creation God has so graciously shared with mankind.


Three deer cross the road, pausing momentarily to look left, then right, as if watching for oncoming traffic. Assured that their crossing is safe, they quickly trot across to our field. Heading toward the pond tucked between two hills, they pause for a drink before moving on to the woods.


Between the disappearance of the moon, and the setting of the sun, God has sprinkled tiny blessings throughout the day….a phone call from a grandchild extending birthday wishes;  email from strangers who have visited my web site, and shared laughter with a friend.


I hear my Father’s voice as I take a moment to read his Word and pray. Burdens are lifted, and joy floods my soul as I contemplate the day and all it held. During this time of fellowship, when God whispers my name, I listen with my heart as he corrects, encourages, and loves.


Peace surrounds me, a peace this world cannot give. It’s an everlasting inner peace, a calm in the storms of life, and soothing as the glowing embers of the magnificent sunset.


As evening falls, I find myself once again, gazing from my window. The sun now sets in the west. The sky is painted with rainbow colors that no painter has ever reproduced. The birds are going to roost, (one straggling bird soars his last circle before settling in for the night.)


Retiring to bed, I hear the night sounds…. bullfrogs, crickets, and a calf calling to his mother. A coyote yelps and stirs the pack as they respond to his call. I breathe a prayer of thanksgiving once again, that God has chosen to show his Glory in the simple things of life, and because of his unmerited favor, I am his child. I will have sweet sleep.



Ó 2004 Marie Williams




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